Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Osho Jokes - Asshole & Prick Workout!

Little Ernie is at the zoo with his teacher, Miss Goodbody, and the entire class. They are touring around when Ernie sees a deer grazing peacefully on some grass.
“Ernie, can you tell us the name of that animal?” asks Miss Goodbody, pointing to the deer.
“Well,” says Ernie, “I think it is a.... I guess it is a...”
“Let me give you a hint,” interrupts Miss Goodbody. “What does your mother call your father every morning?”
“Oh, right!” shouts Ernie. “It’s an asshole!”

One night, after their owner is asleep, the parts of the body are arguing about which has the toughest job. “I’ve really got it tough,” moan the feet. “He puts me in these smelly sneakers, makes me jog until I have blisters... it’s awful!”
“You’ve got no reason to complain,” says the stomach. “Just last night, I got nothing but beer, spaghetti and aspirin. It’s a miracle I kept it together.”
“Ah, quit bitching, you two,” moans the prick. “Every night he sticks me up a dark tunnel and makes me do push-ups until I throw up!”


ரவி said...


இங்கிலீசுல ப்ளாக் செய்தால் துட்டவது தேற வாய்ப்புண்டு...

Osai Chella said...

Thanks Ravi! It is bit more constructive to ones personal growth too! A larger canvas!